A mask behind which we hide
No one to see, the crooked smile
An arena full of wolves
And we are the sheep
What if we don’t pretend any longer
To be sheep, because we aren’t?
Where power concentrates
The contours of possibility become blurry
As if a black hole carved its way through space
And took everything around it with it
Deeper down, and down
Until the shapes do not recognize
Their boundaries anymore
And what was shape becomes all of space
And what was space becomes time
At the beginning of everything that is
Where it reignites and magnetizes
Always the willing, always those longing for more
The unsatisfiable, never ending circle
Of power through war
[ * ]
power power hour to hour it was once said there are only two relationships between men -logic and war -and what of the third way ? poetry limping out of the mouth of idiots madmen and those flirting with crucifixion. where do we find the handshake between words and action? between you and I ? and who was asleep at the wheel? and did it matter? where was there to go ?the garden is within -within is without-no doubt someday we will stop baring our teeth and a smile will feed a hungry grandmother. i love you bird. i love you tree. to see all mothers dance together -this way this highway forward to fall into the center the black hole is the heart at our center inverted upside down logic the poets always knew better.